Can someone please help assist me with choosing the proper video card for my Dell Dimension 2400. The box is about 3 years old and has an onboard video controller. However there are two PCI slots that I can install a new video card into. I want to play Medal of Honor Pacific Assault and BF2 on the thing. I already installed a Radeon 9250 PCI card and it did not meet the requirements of the game...It looks like I need to move to a GeForce FX model. I found some at but will THEY work since it's still a PCI card?? Does anyone else out there run either of these games on a similar box with success? Can I make this happen on this PC? BF2 requirements call for either:
- NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or greater
- ATI Radeon 8500 or greater
Does this mean I can put a PCI GeForce FX 5700 or greater card in? And does that card even exist in a PCI? I can not find one at
MOHPA says it requires an AGP card with at least 64 MB of RAM and:
- Nvidia GeForce 3 or Higher
So does this mean it will not run with a PCI card?
Sorry for the ignorance here...I am trying to learn the differences between the chip sets. It looks as though PCI is crap though...but that is all I can put in this box. Do I just need a new machine? What's my most economical solution to run these games?
Thanks so much!
- NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or greater
- ATI Radeon 8500 or greater
Does this mean I can put a PCI GeForce FX 5700 or greater card in? And does that card even exist in a PCI? I can not find one at
MOHPA says it requires an AGP card with at least 64 MB of RAM and:
- Nvidia GeForce 3 or Higher
So does this mean it will not run with a PCI card?
Sorry for the ignorance here...I am trying to learn the differences between the chip sets. It looks as though PCI is crap though...but that is all I can put in this box. Do I just need a new machine? What's my most economical solution to run these games?
Thanks so much!