I'm looking for some assistance with a query problem. I have a query (very very example below, I have more tables joined). I have a line for each Client_ID with other info and I want the Account_No from the AccountsTable but there are 2 or 3 rows for each Client_No so I get 2 or 3 rows returned on the left side when I only want the one. I have tried things like
max/minof(AccountsTable.Account_No) but I get errors.
I would appreciate any help anyone can give.
many thanks
ClientTable -> AccountsTable(Standard Join by Client ID)
Client_ID Client_ID Account_No Account_Type
009812 009812 12234421 Sales1
009812 12234421 Sales2
I want to return:
Client_ID Client_ID Account_No
009812 009812 12234421