I'm trying to re-design a database from scratch, to be used with OLAP services.<br><br>I've been given conflicting advice from various people as to the datatypes I should use for the measures in the main fact tables. Some say use "float", some "real", and some "numeric". <br><br>No figures will be bigger that 9,999.99 , and on average will be about 4,500.00, and some will be monetory values, whilst others may be integers.<br><br>I suspect that "real" uses half the space of the others, and the table will end up haveing approx. 9,000,000 odd rows. What so you all think? - Cost of diskspace now whould make the space not an issue, but I don't want to be too shortsighted - I think I should be trying to design a database with size in mind (!). Any advice would be greatly appriciated!<br><br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Fi. <p>Fiona Williams<br><a href=mailto:willif@mosspharmacy.co.uk>willif@mosspharmacy.co.uk</a><br><a href= > </a><br>