Hi All,..
I am getting a file which is created in Excel and converted .csv. The permission given to this .csv are shown like this -rw-r----- . I am doing a ftp'ing.This file is transfered through datastage to other server.Where i am using this script to FTP
a part in the script where chmod is used):
if [[ $cmd = "put" || $cmd = "append" ]]; then
echo "open $server
user $user $pwd
cd $tdir
$cmd $files
quote site chmod 777 $files
quit " | ftp -n -v > putfiles${jobid}.log
I am succesfully able to put the file in the server.From this server the file as to get moved to other server, but this can not move to other server because of permission issue. how can i slove this...i have to put this file..........
Thank you..
I am getting a file which is created in Excel and converted .csv. The permission given to this .csv are shown like this -rw-r----- . I am doing a ftp'ing.This file is transfered through datastage to other server.Where i am using this script to FTP
if [[ $cmd = "put" || $cmd = "append" ]]; then
echo "open $server
user $user $pwd
cd $tdir
$cmd $files
quote site chmod 777 $files
quit " | ftp -n -v > putfiles${jobid}.log
I am succesfully able to put the file in the server.From this server the file as to get moved to other server, but this can not move to other server because of permission issue. how can i slove this...i have to put this file..........
Thank you..