We are looking at how to print cheques using CR/CE 10 (possibly Xi). As the business is a a group of companies a few issues have been raised.
For instance we realised we are going to have to specify which printer make and model each company within the group uses as we can then be fairly certain that a Crystal report will be consistently printed across the business.
However an individual may have access to multiple printers.
Within CE how can we limit to which printer the cheques are sent ?
Has anyone got advice as to the pitfalls to avoid when handling cheque production through CR/CE?
For instance we realised we are going to have to specify which printer make and model each company within the group uses as we can then be fairly certain that a Crystal report will be consistently printed across the business.
However an individual may have access to multiple printers.
Within CE how can we limit to which printer the cheques are sent ?
Has anyone got advice as to the pitfalls to avoid when handling cheque production through CR/CE?