I would like to setup remote file transfer using SFTP conection to a server on the corporate network using Filezilla.
Currently we have 2 tier firewall one external and a checkpoint internal firewall.
I can see the SFTP (port 22) request coming into first firewall which translats from a public address to an Internal DMZ ip address.
However I am not seeing any port 22 (ssh) traffic on the checkpoint logs. I have tried configuring a static Nat on a node (10.x.x.1) to DMZ ip and a rule to allow that node to ssh to the SFTP server on 10.x.x.2 but no luck.
Filezilla client PC --->
Internet(public ip 193.x.x.x)-->
External Fw--->(DMZ ip 192.168.x.x)-->
Internal CP Fw-->NAT(10.x.x.1)-->
Filezila Server (10.x.x.2)
Any ideas what is missing?
I would like to setup remote file transfer using SFTP conection to a server on the corporate network using Filezilla.
Currently we have 2 tier firewall one external and a checkpoint internal firewall.
I can see the SFTP (port 22) request coming into first firewall which translats from a public address to an Internal DMZ ip address.
However I am not seeing any port 22 (ssh) traffic on the checkpoint logs. I have tried configuring a static Nat on a node (10.x.x.1) to DMZ ip and a rule to allow that node to ssh to the SFTP server on 10.x.x.2 but no luck.
Filezilla client PC --->
Internet(public ip 193.x.x.x)-->
External Fw--->(DMZ ip 192.168.x.x)-->
Internal CP Fw-->NAT(10.x.x.1)-->
Filezila Server (10.x.x.2)
Any ideas what is missing?