I'm trying to figure out how to deteremine if a node is empty/blank/null before setting the value otherwise i get an "object required" error.
I'm have to use ASP 3.0 classic to retrieve the xml.
If the "Action" node is empty/blank/null, i get an error.
Thanks in advance!
code used:
set docReceived = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
docReceived.async = False
docReceived.load myRequest.responseXML
'Parse XML
Set listItem = docReceived.selectnodes("Response")
for each node in listItem
Action = ""
Action = node.selectsinglenode("DataArea/Action").firstchild.nodevalue
I'm trying to figure out how to deteremine if a node is empty/blank/null before setting the value otherwise i get an "object required" error.
I'm have to use ASP 3.0 classic to retrieve the xml.
If the "Action" node is empty/blank/null, i get an error.
Thanks in advance!
code used:
set docReceived = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
docReceived.async = False
docReceived.load myRequest.responseXML
'Parse XML
Set listItem = docReceived.selectnodes("Response")
for each node in listItem
Action = ""
Action = node.selectsinglenode("DataArea/Action").firstchild.nodevalue