I am seeking advice. My application is extremely dependent on having a one to many relationship from my main table to ten other tables. I want to be sure that when the application is opened that I have NOT lost my relationships before the user starts working.
I had this happen in testing and noticed some strange things in the data. Upon checking the relationships sure enough they were gone.
I have developed some code to recreate all the relationships and it works perfectly. (For a Change)
[!]My Question/s: Is running this code a good practice?
On what event should this occur? The app opens to a switchboard menu and from there the user chooses to either edit various lookup tables/forms or go to the main user interface.
What would happen if this code runs in a multiuser situation? [/!]
Thanks for any insight you can give!
I had this happen in testing and noticed some strange things in the data. Upon checking the relationships sure enough they were gone.
I have developed some code to recreate all the relationships and it works perfectly. (For a Change)
[!]My Question/s: Is running this code a good practice?
On what event should this occur? The app opens to a switchboard menu and from there the user chooses to either edit various lookup tables/forms or go to the main user interface.
What would happen if this code runs in a multiuser situation? [/!]
Thanks for any insight you can give!