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Checkbox with associated textfields

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May 6, 2005

I have been struggling to work out the best way of associating a group of dynamically generated checkboxes with their corresponding textfields. Do you know where I can find any good examples of this?

Thanks, Mike
>I have been struggling to work out the best way of associating a group of dynamically generated checkboxes with their corresponding textfields.
So what is the second best you seem to have?

>Do you know where I can find any good examples of this?
I only have my example if you don't mind. But since you ask in vbs forum, I can offer you a vbs example. Don't complaint it works only in ie kind of triviality people seem to derive their special kind of pleasure.
<script language="vbscript">
sub setup
dim oform, oelem, i
set oform=document.formname
for i=0 to 3
set oelem=document.createElement("input")
with oelem
.value="a" & i
.attachEvent "onclick",getref("handler")
end with
oform.appendChild oelem
set oelem=document.createTextNode("a" & i)
oform.appendChild oelem
set oelem=document.createElement("br")
oform.appendChild oelem
set oelem=nothing
set oform=nothing
end sub
sub handler
dim oelem
set oelem=window.event.srcElement
end sub
set window.onload=getref("setup")
<form name="formname" id="formid">
The process can get rather elaborate. The answer also depends on what you mean by "associate" and "textfield."
  <!-- saved from url=(0011)about:blank -->
    <script language="VBScript">
      '       <br> elements' id values are not entered into a <form>'s
      '       namespace, but are always global to document.
      '       Element collections are created whenever two elements
      '       with the same id exist within a namespace scope, but as
      '       soon as only one element remains in the collection it is
      '       promoted to an element directly contained within the
      '       parent element.
      '       To tie parallel collections together it is useful to
      '       create an expando property containing the index of each
      '       element via setAttribute.
      Option Explicit
      Function Exists(ByVal ElementId)
        Exists = Not (document.getElementById(ElementId) Is Nothing)
      End Function
      Function IsCollection(ByVal Element)
        IsCollection = TypeName(Element) = "DispHTMLElementCollection"
      End Function

      Sub btnSet_onclick()
        Dim intItem, strChoices, objNew
        With frmData
          If Exists("brFrmLine") Then
            If IsCollection(brFrmLine) Then
              For intItem = brFrmLine.length - 1 To 1 Step -1
                .removeChild brFrmLine(intItem)
                .removeChild .txtItem(intItem)
                .removeChild .chkItem(intItem)
            End If
            .removeChild brFrmLine
            .removeChild .txtItem
            .removeChild .chkItem
          End If
          strChoices = Trim(txtChoices.value)
          If Len(strChoices) > 0 Then
            strChoices = Split(strChoices, ",")
            For intItem = 0 To UBound(strChoices)
              Set objNew = document.createElement("input")
              With objNew
                .type = "checkbox"
                .name = "check"
                .id = "chkItem"
                .setAttribute "assoc", intItem
                .attachEvent "onclick", getRef("chkItem_onclick")
              End With
              .appendChild objNew

              Set objNew = document.createElement("input")
              With objNew
                .type = "text"
                .name = "text"
                .id = "txtItem"
                .value = Trim(strChoices(intItem))
              End With
              .appendChild objNew

              Set objNew = document.createElement("br")
              objNew.id = "brFrmLine"
              .appendChild objNew
          End If
        End With
      End Sub
      Sub chkItem_onclick()
        Dim Obj, Color

        Set Obj = window.event.srcElement
        If Obj.checked then
          Color = "pink"
          Color = "transparent"
        End If
        If IsCollection(frmData.txtItem) Then
          frmData.txtItem(Obj.assoc).style.backgroundColor = Color
          frmData.txtItem.style.backgroundColor = Color
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub window_onload()
        Dim intItem
        With frmData
          If IsCollection(.chkItem) Then
            For intItem = 0 To .chkItem.length - 1
              With .chkItem(intItem)
                .setAttribute "assoc", intItem
                .attachEvent "onclick", getRef("chkItem_onclick")
              End With
          End If
        End With
      End Sub
    Enter a list of choices separated by commas:<br>
    <input id="txtChoices" size="60" value="This, That, Another">
    <button id="btnSet">Set</button>
    <form name="data" id="frmData">
      <input type="checkbox" name="check" id="chkItem">
      <input type="text" name="text" id="txtItem" value="zero">
      <br id="brFrmLine">
      <input type="checkbox" name="check" id="chkItem">
      <input type="text" name="text" id="txtItem" value="one">
      <br id="brFrmLine">
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