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Checkbox form validation

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Apr 9, 2007
I have created a script which validates all sorts of information inputted via a HTML form. The only problem I have is with the checkboxes. I need to ensure that only 2 checkboxes out of the 5 are selected. To do this I have given each checkbox a value of 1 therefore by adding all the checkboxes values, if they are equal to one then the form is valid. Below is the checkbox part of my code

$valuesa = param('option1');
$valuesb = param('option2');
$valuesc = param('option3');
$valuesd = param('option4');
$valuese = param('option5');

$valuescalc = $valuesa + $valuesb + $valuesc + $valuesd + $valuese;

if ($valuescalc eq '2') {
$one = 'aa';

else {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 1 - $valuescalc (Choose 2 options)</b></font>";

The problem I have is that the code seems to work, and I can display that i.e. if I have 3 checkboxes ticked then $valuecalc is equal to 3. However, if I select 2 checkboxes and try to validate, I get an Error 500.

If you would like to see the form in action, here is the web address:

Thanks for all your help!
You should use == instead of eq.

If it is successful does it do anything? In the #Pass section you set a variable but you don't do anything else. I would printer your Content-type and a success meassage (I would probably move the content-type to the top anyway since you need it either way). If your using CGI i think "THINK!" there is a way to tell it to print it for you.

Travis - Those Who Say It Cannot Be Done Are Usually Interrupted by Someone Else Doing It; Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions;
Thanks for your quick response. I just tried using == and I still get an Error 500 when I select 2 checkboxes.

Bear in mind that there is code before and code after. I have just selected and pasted the relavent bits. I have also tried printing a statement if the code is valid rather than saying that $one = 'aa'.

Any other suggestions? How would you validate a group of 5 checkboxes to check if only 2 are checked?

Here is my full code if you wish to see, and you can obviously view the source code for the form at if you wish

#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';

## Declare variables ##

## Form variables ##
my ($valuesa, $valuesb, $valuesc, $valuesd, $valuese);
my ($valuescalc);
my (@values2, $values3, $values4, $values5, $values6);

## Evaluation variables ##
my ($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six);

## Connect to form ##
$valuesa = param('option1');
$valuesb = param('option2');
$valuesc = param('option3');
$valuesd = param('option4');
$valuese = param('option5');

@values2 = param('menu1');
$values3 = param('text1');
$values4 = param('text2');
$values5 = param('text3');
$values6 = param('textbox1');

## A) Checkboxes (2 selected) ##
$valuescalc = $valuesa + $valuesb + $valuesc + $valuesd + $valuese;

if ($valuescalc == '2') {
$one = 'aa';

else {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 1 - $valuescalc (Choose 2 options)</b></font>";


## B) Menu (1 selected) ##
if (param('menu1') eq '1') {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 2 - @values2 (Choose 1 option)</b></font>";

elsif ((@values2 eq '2') || (@values2 eq '3') || (@values2 eq '4') || (@values2 eq '5') || (@values2 eq '6')) {
$two = 'bb';


## C) Text 1 (word) ##
if ($values3 eq "") {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 3 - $values3 (Type text)</b></font>";

else {
$three = 'cc';


## D) Text 2 (email) ##
if (($values4 =~ /@/) && ($values4 =~ /./)) {
$four = 'dd';

else {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 4 - $values4 (Type an email address)</b></font>";


## E) Text 3 (telephone) ##
if ($values5 > 99999999999) {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 5 - $values5 (Type a telephone number)</b></font>";

elsif ($values5 =~ /\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/) {
$five = 'ee';

else {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 5 - $values5 (Type a telephone number)</b></font>";


## F) Textbox (word) ##
if ($values6 eq "") {
print "<font face=arial size=2><P><b>Error 6 - $values6 (Type text)</b></font>";

else {
$six = 'ff';

## Final evaluation ##
if (($one eq 'aa') && ($two eq 'bb') && ($three eq 'cc') && ($four eq 'dd') && ($five eq 'ee') && ($six eq 'ff')) {
print "<p><font face=arial size=2><P><font color=green><b>Form Completed Correctly</b></font>";

else {
print "<p><font face=arial size=2><P><font color=red><b>Form Completed Incorrectly</b></font>";

## End ##
I just moved the print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
as you said, and it worked... Thank you for your help. PROBLEM SOLVED
No problem.

Just so you know the reason to change eq to == is that eq is a string comparison and == is a numerical comparison. It will work sometimes if you do it wrong.. but it will come back to haunt you :)

Travis - Those Who Say It Cannot Be Done Are Usually Interrupted by Someone Else Doing It; Give the wrong symptoms, get the wrong solutions;
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