Hi iam useing a varible number of checkboxes wich values are pulled out of a database. I then have to submit those values to an other table
here is the script fot getting the checkboxes
$result = mysql_db_query ("setf","select ond_id, titel from onderwerpen "
Onderwerpen waar het mee te maken heeft:<br>
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
<INPUT name="ond_id" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $myrow["ond_id"] ?>"> <?php echo $myrow["titel"] ?>
$ond_id this is an array how do i take apart this array and insert the multible values into the database?
thanx in advance
here is the script fot getting the checkboxes
$result = mysql_db_query ("setf","select ond_id, titel from onderwerpen "
Onderwerpen waar het mee te maken heeft:<br>
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
<INPUT name="ond_id" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $myrow["ond_id"] ?>"> <?php echo $myrow["titel"] ?>
$ond_id this is an array how do i take apart this array and insert the multible values into the database?
thanx in advance