So, I was playing around with my data grid today, trying to figure out how to set the row height so that they were always the same no matter now many rows were in there (otherwise, the header defaults to the entire height of the datagrid for some reason). so I came up with this idea: every time I tried to bind the the datagrid to the dataset, I'd assign the datagrid's height attribute to the total number of records multiplied by 5.
However, the datagrid's height property is done in Units. Units are a new type, that can't be converted directly to/from a common datatype. So what you need to do is create a Unit Converter
Dim u as New UnitConverter
This unit converter has methods (ConvertFromString, etc.) that will allow you to assign int's and strings to the unit type, and allow you to play with the height and other unit-type attributes within the code behind.
Talk later,
However, the datagrid's height property is done in Units. Units are a new type, that can't be converted directly to/from a common datatype. So what you need to do is create a Unit Converter
Dim u as New UnitConverter
This unit converter has methods (ConvertFromString, etc.) that will allow you to assign int's and strings to the unit type, and allow you to play with the height and other unit-type attributes within the code behind.
Talk later,