How do I write a statement to check if a certain element has data or not?
Here is my code, which is not work. I want to check if <invoicenumber> element does not have any data, then don't display the column. It's always show the column, even there is no invoice# in the data.
Thanks in advance
How do I write a statement to check if a certain element has data or not?
Here is my code, which is not work. I want to check if <invoicenumber> element does not have any data, then don't display the column. It's always show the column, even there is no invoice# in the data.
Thanks in advance
if (xmldoc.SelectNodes ("//invoicenumber").length > 0) then
columnlabels(i) = "Invoice #"
oShowInvoice = true
i = i + 1
oShowInvoice = false
end if