I have a tbl for masses that also contains the low and high tolerance limits.
MassID (Autonumber)
Mass (number)
low mass (number)
high mass (number)
My form contains a combo box, cbo_Mass, for people to choose the mass they wish to calibrate and a text box, txt_Mass, for people to enter the measure mass. How do I compare the number in txt_Mass to the low mass and high mass values in table tbl_Mass. If the measured mass doesn't fall inside the low and high masses, a message would pop up. Please help.
MassID (Autonumber)
Mass (number)
low mass (number)
high mass (number)
My form contains a combo box, cbo_Mass, for people to choose the mass they wish to calibrate and a text box, txt_Mass, for people to enter the measure mass. How do I compare the number in txt_Mass to the low mass and high mass values in table tbl_Mass. If the measured mass doesn't fall inside the low and high masses, a message would pop up. Please help.