Hi guys. I have a set of data to write to an excel file, which may or may not exist. I have done only a little work on creating files and the various examples I've tried off google all go in loops and break down (mostly where the file is in a different folder, this is what is causing the problems for me).
1) check if a file exists in a folder, based on the value of a listbox (listName) which holds company names.
Example: listName = CompanyX
File = \CompanyX\companyX.xlxs
3 scenarios:
a) the folder doesn't exist. If not, create it, then create the file (probability - slim, a possiblilty)
b) the folder does exist, but the file does not. Create the file within the folder (proability - 50%)
c) the folder exists and the file also exists. (probability - 50%)
Once the file has been found/created, write the data (not an issue), save the file, close the file.
This is my current code, which works a little bit. I'm posting it because somebody will ask, but if you have a more elegant solution you could whip up, that would be great.
1) check if a file exists in a folder, based on the value of a listbox (listName) which holds company names.
Example: listName = CompanyX
File = \CompanyX\companyX.xlxs
3 scenarios:
a) the folder doesn't exist. If not, create it, then create the file (probability - slim, a possiblilty)
b) the folder does exist, but the file does not. Create the file within the folder (proability - 50%)
c) the folder exists and the file also exists. (probability - 50%)
Once the file has been found/created, write the data (not an issue), save the file, close the file.
This is my current code, which works a little bit. I'm posting it because somebody will ask, but if you have a more elegant solution you could whip up, that would be great.
wk = "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\xl\" & CustomerName & "\" & CustomerName & " Week " & WeekNumber & ".xlsx"
If FileThere(wk) Then 'The workbook already exists
MsgBox "File exists"
'open the workbook
'move to last used cell in column A, then move down 1
Workbooks(wk).Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Select
Workbooks(wk).Worksheets("sheet1").ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
'paste the data
'insert a new row
'save the workbook, then close
MsgBox "File Not There! Creating it now!"
'create the new workbook from the template
End If
Function FileThere(FileName As String) As Boolean
'Check if a file exists
FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function
Sub NewWorkbooks()
'create a new workbook with the name of the customer and their weeknumber
Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
Dim wk As String
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
wk = "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\xl\" & CustomerName & "\" & CustomerName & " Week " & WeekNumber & ".xlsx"
On Error Resume Next
MkDir "C:\Users\Dave\Documents\xl\" & CustomerName
On Error GoTo 0
'Create a new workbook from the template with the week layout
Set myWorkbook = Workbooks.Add(Template:="C:\Users\Dave\Documents\xl\weektemplate.xltx")
myWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1").Range("A5") = "Week " & WeekNumber
'Write all the pieces of data into the new week!
'Insert a new row underneat when finished, complete with all formulas
End Sub