On click of button, I want the VBA to check if an id exists. I know it sounds simple, but I tried the following and its not working....
If IsNull("Select * From TItemXRef where TItemXRef.ItemNumber = Forms!FU_TItemXRef2.SITMTxt") Then
MsgBox "The PeopleSoft Item Number (BK Number) you have entered already exists. Please check the number. Try again or edit the existing number."
I am not getting the message when the number already exists. Any thoughts?
If IsNull("Select * From TItemXRef where TItemXRef.ItemNumber = Forms!FU_TItemXRef2.SITMTxt") Then
MsgBox "The PeopleSoft Item Number (BK Number) you have entered already exists. Please check the number. Try again or edit the existing number."
I am not getting the message when the number already exists. Any thoughts?