I have some code the manages versions of some objects centrally.
One assumption I have is that every module I have as a public procedure that that gives the version back to a passed variable as called by fnModuleVersion below.
It works well. However I want to do the same with Class modules... They simply do not seem to exist in the AllModules collection for my ModuleExists function.
So I have two separate problems.
One, how do I detect if a class module exists in a database given its name?
Two, how do I return a classes version - I think instantiate it and check its particular name but how would I instantiate an instance given just the class name as a parameter? Actually an error handler and code to instantiate a class that way may solve both problems effectively...
In my model some modules are standard and can be centrally managed while others are project dependent. I'm not excited about the methodology as it suggests there should be one central code base running everything, which is likely accurate but also long, long way off. People don't like change and I don't have the time for them to make it my problem...
One assumption I have is that every module I have as a public procedure that that gives the version back to a passed variable as called by fnModuleVersion below.
It works well. However I want to do the same with Class modules... They simply do not seem to exist in the AllModules collection for my ModuleExists function.
So I have two separate problems.
One, how do I detect if a class module exists in a database given its name?
Two, how do I return a classes version - I think instantiate it and check its particular name but how would I instantiate an instance given just the class name as a parameter? Actually an error handler and code to instantiate a class that way may solve both problems effectively...
In my model some modules are standard and can be centrally managed while others are project dependent. I'm not excited about the methodology as it suggests there should be one central code base running everything, which is likely accurate but also long, long way off. People don't like change and I don't have the time for them to make it my problem...
Public Function fnModuleVersion(ModuleName As String) As Long
Dim strCallName As String
Dim Obj As Object
On Error GoTo fnModuleVersion_err
strCallName = ModuleName & "Version"
Application.Run strCallName, fnModuleVersion 'fnModuleVersion is this function variable passed as a byRef Arg to be returned as the function return
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 2517 '<Project Name> cannot find the procedure <ModuleName & "Version">
If ModuleExists(ModuleName) Then
fnModuleVersion = 0 'Module Exists standard procedure does not... Likely a different animal
fnModuleVersion = -1 'Module does not even exist in project... Likely don't need it?
End If
Case Else
MsgBox "Unhandled Error in fnModuleVersion" & vbCrLf & "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical
End Select
End Function
Public Function ModuleExists(ModuleName As String, Optional ByRef varReturn As Variant) As Boolean
'Determines if Module exists in current project
'Keeps Track of module names between calls to prevent iterative scans of AllModules collection
'Assumption here is that this will be called repeatedly once called otherwise loading all module names
'to a static array would be an unecessary step and waste of memory.
Dim proj As Object
Dim aObj As AccessObject
Dim i As Long
Static strModuleNames() As String
Dim lngModuleNamesUpper As Long
Static lngModuleNamesUpperPrev As Long
Set proj = CurrentProject()
lngModuleNamesUpper = proj.AllModules.Count - 1
If lngModuleNamesUpperPrev < lngModuleNamesUpper Then
lngModuleNamesUpperPrev = lngModuleNamesUpper
ReDim strModuleNames(lngModuleNamesUpper)
i = 0
For Each aObj In proj.AllModules
strModuleNames(i) = aObj.Name
i = i + 1
Next aObj
End If
i = 0
ModuleExists = False
While i <= lngModuleNamesUpper
If strModuleNames(i) = ModuleName Then
ModuleExists = True
i = lngModuleNamesUpper 'Force exit of loop after iterator is incremented once more
End If
i = i + 1
varReturn = strModuleNames()
End Function