I'm writing a stored procedure that inserts a new row into a table. In the procedure I'm calling a function that checks that the name and address provided for a customer with ID x is consistent with the data already in the table.
This is the function:
However, if the customer is new to the purchase table the cursor_t query will return no rows and hence the record will be empty.
My question is how do I check if a record (or cursor) returns no rows so I can return true from the function.
Thanks for your help,
This is the function:
create or replace function purchase_cust_details(aCustID in purchase.customer_ID%TYPE, aCustName in purchase.customer_name%TYPE, aCustAdd in purchase.customer_address%TYPE)
return boolean
cursor cursor_t is select customer_name, customer_address from purchase where purchase.customer_ID = aCustID;
record_t cursor_t%rowtype;
open cursor_t;
fetch cursor_t into record_t;
if record_t.customer_name <> aCustName then
return false;
elsif record_t.customer_address <> aCustAdd then
return false;
return true;
end if;
close cursor_t;
However, if the customer is new to the purchase table the cursor_t query will return no rows and hence the record will be empty.
My question is how do I check if a record (or cursor) returns no rows so I can return true from the function.
Thanks for your help,