Technical User
I was always in trouble situation,thatis, I must be very careful while writing html and I hope to find a tool that could check html syntax automatically and point out where the error may be occurs.<br><br>Now I want to write one simple programme to solve the problem.<br>idea:<br><br>1.use a file named "define.tag" to define tag,eg:<br>html;<br>head;<br>body;<br>td;<br>table;<br>script;<br>.......<br><br>2.read the tags from the file and form a pair of real tags ,eg:<br><body></body><br><br>we call them tag_head and tag_tail seperately<br><br>3.read the html file to be checked<br><br>4.parse the read in file:<br>form a stack to push tag_head and pop tag_tail continously .<br>.<br>if a tag_head pushed and no tag_tail corespondly pop we record the error including its type,plcae .<br><br>implement:<br>we can use VB,VC++...to realize it .<br>Now I am using java ,so I'd like use it.<br><br>But if someone tell me there is good tool I will be very glad.<br><br>I also want to find a tool that could arrange the disorderly html file into an orderly file in form .<br>