I'm using a MFCobol program in an interface to pick up a file ftp'd from another server for processing. Intermittently, I receive a 9 0018 error file status on that file (which equates to Read Error: Reached EOF before EOR or open in wrong mode).
I'm guessing that because both of these jobs (the feed and the read) are on separate schedulers running at different intervals, that they could be trying to write/read simultaneously.
With that said, what is the best way to add the capability to my program to check the file to see if it's open for writing BEFORE it attempts to read it?
I'm guessing that because both of these jobs (the feed and the read) are on separate schedulers running at different intervals, that they could be trying to write/read simultaneously.
With that said, what is the best way to add the capability to my program to check the file to see if it's open for writing BEFORE it attempts to read it?