I have a form with a combo box (socialsecurity) that links to my subform "test results". So I pick a person from the combo box and my subform show all the tests they have taken. It looks like this
SS# Test Name Score Retest(this is a check box)
What I want to do is when I go to enter a new test name, I want it to compare the SS# and Test Name and if score not null check my retest box.
The recordset for my subform is Test Results.
I've tried using Dlookup in the after update and it says it is a retest even if it's not, I am assuming because its the after update event. However, in before update, it doesn't work either. I'm not sure if because each test record has a unique ID or if i'm just going about this the wrong way. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
SS# Test Name Score Retest(this is a check box)
What I want to do is when I go to enter a new test name, I want it to compare the SS# and Test Name and if score not null check my retest box.
The recordset for my subform is Test Results.
I've tried using Dlookup in the after update and it says it is a retest even if it's not, I am assuming because its the after update event. However, in before update, it doesn't work either. I'm not sure if because each test record has a unique ID or if i'm just going about this the wrong way. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks