Please forgive me, I am a SQL Server DB Architect, not an Access programmer (so what I ask may be a little convoluted) but I was asked to help out on a project so I here I go...
All tables are linked SQL Server 7.0 tables using MS Access 97.
I have three tables...
THERAPIST (THERPID int, THERPFNAME varchar(25), etc...)
** THERP_SPEC has a FK constraint referencing THERAPIST.THERPID and a FK constraint referencing SPECIALTY.SPECID.
As you can probably tell, the THERP_SPEC table lists specialties for individual therapists so there could be 0, 1 or many rows for a certain THERPID depending on his/her specialties.
Now to the checkboxes...
I would like to create a form that has the THERPID (and name) and an individual checkbox for each of the possible specialties. After going through and checking off the appropriate boxes, I would like to click a submit button and have the form insert multiple rows depending upon which buttons were checked on the form.
Is this possible? I assume it is, the question is how much effort is involved...
Someone suggested having a click event on each checkbox and if it is clicked on, insert into the table, if it is clicked off, delete from the table but that would be a TON of maintenance.
All tables are linked SQL Server 7.0 tables using MS Access 97.
I have three tables...
THERAPIST (THERPID int, THERPFNAME varchar(25), etc...)
** THERP_SPEC has a FK constraint referencing THERAPIST.THERPID and a FK constraint referencing SPECIALTY.SPECID.
As you can probably tell, the THERP_SPEC table lists specialties for individual therapists so there could be 0, 1 or many rows for a certain THERPID depending on his/her specialties.
Now to the checkboxes...
I would like to create a form that has the THERPID (and name) and an individual checkbox for each of the possible specialties. After going through and checking off the appropriate boxes, I would like to click a submit button and have the form insert multiple rows depending upon which buttons were checked on the form.
Is this possible? I assume it is, the question is how much effort is involved...
Someone suggested having a click event on each checkbox and if it is clicked on, insert into the table, if it is clicked off, delete from the table but that would be a TON of maintenance.