I have this big list (21327) with casenumbers.
Want i want to do is show on a date how many material is in stock.
casenum. prod.date remov. date
N234122 15-10-2002 22-11-2002
n435634 21-10-2002 29-10-2002
Is it possible to ask for 19-10-2002 and excel or access will show all material that is there.
So the case n234122 will be in the new list.
Want i want to do is show on a date how many material is in stock.
casenum. prod.date remov. date
N234122 15-10-2002 22-11-2002
n435634 21-10-2002 29-10-2002
Is it possible to ask for 19-10-2002 and excel or access will show all material that is there.
So the case n234122 will be in the new list.