Hello out there every one, hopy you all have a good christmas
I got a question I have a access 2000 database with a asp page connecting to it. The database is a booking system with a table called tbl_bookings and the fields booking_date, start_time, finish_time. I have a html page with a form that links to the to an asp page with the following code
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE ="adovbs.inc"-->
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
Set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
strConncetionSting="DSN=video;DBQ=C:\DATABASE\video.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;PWD=2magic2;UID=admin;"
conn.Open strConncetionSting
rs.locktype =adlockOptimistic
rs.open "tbl_booking",conn
rs("booking_date" = request.Form("txt_date"
rs("start_time" =request.Form("txt_start"
rs("finish_time" =request.Form("txt_finish"
set rs=nothing
This alworks great but when i add a new booking I want to check that after all the data has been enter that there is not already a booking in between the times and data of the new booking.
any help of who to do this or where to start would be great
I got a question I have a access 2000 database with a asp page connecting to it. The database is a booking system with a table called tbl_bookings and the fields booking_date, start_time, finish_time. I have a html page with a form that links to the to an asp page with the following code
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<!--#INCLUDE FILE ="adovbs.inc"-->
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
Set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
strConncetionSting="DSN=video;DBQ=C:\DATABASE\video.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;PWD=2magic2;UID=admin;"
conn.Open strConncetionSting
rs.locktype =adlockOptimistic
rs.open "tbl_booking",conn
rs("booking_date" = request.Form("txt_date"
rs("start_time" =request.Form("txt_start"
rs("finish_time" =request.Form("txt_finish"
set rs=nothing
This alworks great but when i add a new booking I want to check that after all the data has been enter that there is not already a booking in between the times and data of the new booking.
any help of who to do this or where to start would be great