I am currently writing a Excel macro to automatically create an hyperlink
The spreadsheet is as follow
Column 1 = file name
Column 2 = level1
Column 3 = level3
Column 4 = level4
Where level 1/2/3 are the folders and subfolders
Ex a file can be located in
The purpose of the macro is to create an hyperlink for all the file names listed in column 1 (literally hundreds of them)
Building the past is simple and it works. The problem is that the macro never finds the file. Level1 is always located in the same folder as the spreadsheet with the macro is.
I copied the code below
I hope the problem is clear
Sub CmB_hyperlink_Click()
Dim row As Integer
Dim path, starting_dir, file_name, level1, level2, level3, level4 As String
Dim MyPath
starting_dir = ActiveWorkbook.path
row = 9 'row number where the file name column starts
Cells(row, 1).Select
Cells(5, 1).Value = starting_dir
Do Until ActiveCell = ""
file_name = Cells(row, 1).Value
level1 = Cells(row, 4).Value
level2 = Cells(row, 5).Value
level3 = CStr(Cells(row, 6).Value)
level4 = Cells(row, 7).Value
If level1 = "" Then
Cells(row, 9).Value = "Level 1 is not specified"
GoTo level1missing
ElseIf level2 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + file_name
ElseIf level3 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + file_name
ElseIf level4 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + level3 + "\" + file_name
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + level3 + "\" + level4 + "\" + file_name
End If
If check_file_exist(CStr(path)) Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=path, TextToDisplay:=file_name
Cells(row, 9).Value = "file not found"
End If
row = row + 1
Cells(row, 1).Select
End Sub
Function check_file_exist(path As String)
Dim file_lenght As Long
file_exist = False
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
file_lenght = FileLen(path)
If file_lenght > 2 Then file_exist = True
End Function
The spreadsheet is as follow
Column 1 = file name
Column 2 = level1
Column 3 = level3
Column 4 = level4
Where level 1/2/3 are the folders and subfolders
Ex a file can be located in
The purpose of the macro is to create an hyperlink for all the file names listed in column 1 (literally hundreds of them)
Building the past is simple and it works. The problem is that the macro never finds the file. Level1 is always located in the same folder as the spreadsheet with the macro is.
I copied the code below
I hope the problem is clear
Sub CmB_hyperlink_Click()
Dim row As Integer
Dim path, starting_dir, file_name, level1, level2, level3, level4 As String
Dim MyPath
starting_dir = ActiveWorkbook.path
row = 9 'row number where the file name column starts
Cells(row, 1).Select
Cells(5, 1).Value = starting_dir
Do Until ActiveCell = ""
file_name = Cells(row, 1).Value
level1 = Cells(row, 4).Value
level2 = Cells(row, 5).Value
level3 = CStr(Cells(row, 6).Value)
level4 = Cells(row, 7).Value
If level1 = "" Then
Cells(row, 9).Value = "Level 1 is not specified"
GoTo level1missing
ElseIf level2 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + file_name
ElseIf level3 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + file_name
ElseIf level4 = "" Then
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + level3 + "\" + file_name
path = starting_dir + "\" + level1 + "\" + level2 + "\" + level3 + "\" + level4 + "\" + file_name
End If
If check_file_exist(CStr(path)) Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=path, TextToDisplay:=file_name
Cells(row, 9).Value = "file not found"
End If
row = row + 1
Cells(row, 1).Select
End Sub
Function check_file_exist(path As String)
Dim file_lenght As Long
file_exist = False
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
file_lenght = FileLen(path)
If file_lenght > 2 Then file_exist = True
End Function