You could use the connection object and recordset object to connect and pull rows out from the Oracle DB. Then you'd either need to create the chart by had (usually using colored table columns or rows) or a 3rd party charting software. There are quite a few 3rd party charting software ASP components out there.
Note you could just make the chart yourself as well. Say you have a field called TotalYTD which had your total YTD sales. You could do this:
<% while not rs.eof
tblwidth = rs("TotalYTD" mod 5 'Whatever your base is %>
<table border=0 width=<%=tblwidth%> height=20 bgcolor="<%=color%>"><tr><td> </td></tr></table>
<% rs.movenext
wend %>
Harold Blackorby
St. Louis, MO
Several ways to create a graph on ASP without the need for third party stuff.
For IE5 on...there is the WCChart(OWC.Chart) object model which is a slimmed down version of the Excel graphing object model(needs Office 2K installed on the WEB server) or the other, much better way is to use VML and draw your own graphs...take a look at
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