I'm trying to chart a result of a formula containing two summaries. I am able to to chart them, but an unable to divide them by date.
The formula @data13 is:
((Maximum ({@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}))-NthLargest (2, {@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}))/
Maximum ({@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}) * 100
In my data set there are two separate dates- I want the graph to show the results for this formula for both dates. The @data5 formula is as follows:
if {TestMainList.Description} = "0.5 p / m3" then tonumber({TestResults.ResultText})
Currently, it just gives me an answer for the whole data set, even though I have the "on change of" section of the chart expert set to the date field.
Is there any way to do this?
I'm trying to chart a result of a formula containing two summaries. I am able to to chart them, but an unable to divide them by date.
The formula @data13 is:
((Maximum ({@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}))-NthLargest (2, {@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}))/
Maximum ({@Data5}, {AssetList.Barcode}) * 100
In my data set there are two separate dates- I want the graph to show the results for this formula for both dates. The @data5 formula is as follows:
if {TestMainList.Description} = "0.5 p / m3" then tonumber({TestResults.ResultText})
Currently, it just gives me an answer for the whole data set, even though I have the "on change of" section of the chart expert set to the date field.
Is there any way to do this?