Technical User
I might be beating a dead horse, but I'm trying to create line chart on a running totals field that charts the average percentage of calls that are emergency calls({@percent}) for a certain timeframe(year, month, etc). I've tried to total these and link them to a subreport but I'm having a problem with the formulas. Here are my fields:
{@percent}======> if {callcenter.emergencycalls}= 0 then 0 else ({callcenter.emergencycalls}/{callcenter.calls})*100
These are the fields that I tried to link in the subreport, but to no avail:
stringvar stronchangeof;
stronchangeof := (totext({}) + "^"
stringvar strshowvalue;
strshowvalue := strshowvalue + totext({@percent}) + "^";
I'm not getting any errors, but the chart in my subreport retrieves 0 records!!!
Any suggestions???