I would like to create a chart based on formula. So what I wanted to do is to have a bar chart, each bar will correspond to a formula. The values for the x-axis would be something like " < 1 month", "< 3 months", "< 6 months">. The values for the y-axis would be the record count.
I created a formula for the "< 1 month"
if {Table1.startdate} in currentdate to (currentdate) - 30 then {Table1.ID} else {@null}
@null is a formual with nothing on it. This is taught to me by lbass. Thanks lbass.
@< 3 Months
if {Table1.startdate} in currentdate to (currentdate) - 90 then {Table1.ID} else {@null}
These formulas will be my show values in the chart expert. I'm not sure how I will get to show the values "< 1 month", "< 3 months" in the x-axis.
Can you please help.
I would like to create a chart based on formula. So what I wanted to do is to have a bar chart, each bar will correspond to a formula. The values for the x-axis would be something like " < 1 month", "< 3 months", "< 6 months">. The values for the y-axis would be the record count.
I created a formula for the "< 1 month"
if {Table1.startdate} in currentdate to (currentdate) - 30 then {Table1.ID} else {@null}
@null is a formual with nothing on it. This is taught to me by lbass. Thanks lbass.
@< 3 Months
if {Table1.startdate} in currentdate to (currentdate) - 90 then {Table1.ID} else {@null}
These formulas will be my show values in the chart expert. I'm not sure how I will get to show the values "< 1 month", "< 3 months" in the x-axis.
Can you please help.