I am trying to create a pareto chart based on a formula.
the report I am working on has two groups
group A
roduct Line
group B:Test
in the report Header I use a formula to initialize a variable
shared numbervar aggYield:=1;
int the groupA header I reset aggYield
@initialize Yield
shared numbervar aggYield:=1;
I have group B footer split into two sections, in section 1 I have TestYield formula (Passed Tests over total Tests)
shared numbervar testYield :=(Sum ({@pass},
{FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name})) /
(Count ({FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name},
{FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name}));
in section 2 of Group B footer I have a suppressed formula
This keeps a running product of all if the testYields in each group A(product line)
@set Yield
shared numbervar aggYield;
shared numbervar testYield;
if testYield <> 0 then
aggYield := aggYield * testYield;
Then finally in group footer A I display the
@Aggregegate Yield
shared numbervar aggYield;
if true then
aggYield * 100
All of the Details, data, and caclculations show up just fine, however, I can not make a chart based on @aggregate Yield, I want to make a Descending pareto, where @aggregate yield is displayed on change of group A (Product Line)
Is this possible?
I am trying to create a pareto chart based on a formula.
the report I am working on has two groups
group A
group B:Test
in the report Header I use a formula to initialize a variable
shared numbervar aggYield:=1;
int the groupA header I reset aggYield
@initialize Yield
shared numbervar aggYield:=1;
I have group B footer split into two sections, in section 1 I have TestYield formula (Passed Tests over total Tests)
shared numbervar testYield :=(Sum ({@pass},
{FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name})) /
(Count ({FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name},
{FULL_TRF_TEST_View.Test Operation Name}));
in section 2 of Group B footer I have a suppressed formula
This keeps a running product of all if the testYields in each group A(product line)
@set Yield
shared numbervar aggYield;
shared numbervar testYield;
if testYield <> 0 then
aggYield := aggYield * testYield;
Then finally in group footer A I display the
@Aggregegate Yield
shared numbervar aggYield;
if true then
aggYield * 100
All of the Details, data, and caclculations show up just fine, however, I can not make a chart based on @aggregate Yield, I want to make a Descending pareto, where @aggregate yield is displayed on change of group A (Product Line)
Is this possible?