I run phpMyAdmin - both on my local win/apache and on my remote linux/apache with exactly the same config file.
The local server has MySQL - 4.0.16-nt installed.
The remote one has MySQL - 4.1.19-standard.
Now, the problem is that, on the remote version, the language selector doesn't let me choose the shift-jis charset. Only the languages ( without their different charsets ) are listed in the drop down menu. And all of them are stuck with utf-8 as it seems. On the same page, it's written : "MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)".
It's not the case on my local server.
So, how do I enable other charsets on my remote mysql server?
My local db is all in shift-jis and I need to have it in the same encoding on the remote server.
Many thanks to the ones who will come up with a solution