I have a very strange issue in Informatica. I have an input value that is getting flipped to a different value, the following value which contains a double dash gets flipped to upside-down question marks when inserted into an Oracle 10g database table. The incoming value within a pipe-delimited flat file looks like this:
Membership – Cobra
No matter what I do it gets loaded into the database like this:
Membership ¿ Cobra
In the debugger, this data looks like this as soon as it enters Informatica:
Membership (carriage return character) Cobra
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Membership – Cobra
No matter what I do it gets loaded into the database like this:
Membership ¿ Cobra
In the debugger, this data looks like this as soon as it enters Informatica:
Membership (carriage return character) Cobra
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.