i am puzzled, if only 1 char has been written to file NEWT, how can i read read 127 chars, won't all the values be ' '
assume FMAT is character*127 which holds a fortran-type format like 40F1.0, and FMAT1 is char[127]
WRITE (11,'(A)') FMAT
CLOSE (11)
READ (11,5)(FMAT1(I), I = 1,127)
5 FORMAT (127A1)
CLOSE (11)
i guess my ? is, what are the values in FMAT1.
assume FMAT is character*127 which holds a fortran-type format like 40F1.0, and FMAT1 is char[127]
WRITE (11,'(A)') FMAT
CLOSE (11)
READ (11,5)(FMAT1(I), I = 1,127)
5 FORMAT (127A1)
CLOSE (11)
i guess my ? is, what are the values in FMAT1.