I have a Table having "Security" field as VARCHAR2(2000). The contents of this field are something like "2-3//4; 1/2MIN; 3/4-5MIN MIN; 2&3//5/6 3/4-5MIN 1-2/3//4-5;" and so on. There may or may be delimitters like ";" above. The input in the Table is coming from a Security Form designed in VB6. There is another similar field "Security Pledged" of VARCHAR2(2000) datatype, where the values to be inputted by the user cannot be other than the values entered in the "Security" field above. The Security Pledged can be entered by the user in any order. How can I check that "Pledged Security" entered by user is one from the "Security" field. Is there a way out in Oracle to check the above - character by character. Thanks in advance