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Char Map ActiveX?

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Jun 19, 2000
I'm working in a small program where the user should be able to pick a char from a font so it can be used as a marker in a map (like a star, a smiley, a flag, a car). I've found a control to be used with vb .net, but I'm not using .net and I don't want exessive features. Just a char map-style grid with the symbols available in the font that returns the code of the selected symbol. Like the Glyphs window in Illustrator. Is there a control available out there? I couldn't find it googleing it. Should I start coding it by myself?

To boldly code, where no programmer has compiled before!
?wingdings font?

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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
Essex Steam UK for steam enthusiasts
I have some cartographic fonts from ESRI, and I'd like to have a char map embedded in my app, so the user picks the marker. I've solved the problem using a listbox containing chars 33 to 255 and showing them in the font selected from another listbox. Still, I'd like to have a grid, just like the char map utility from windows. Any help?

To boldly code, where no programmer has compiled before!
Use a MSFlexgrid maybe. With a MSFlexgrid called fg1 set to 16 columns and 14 rows:
Dim intC As Integer
With fg1
For intC = 33 To 255
.TextMatrix((intC - 33) \ 16, (intC - 33) Mod 16) = Chr$(intC)
Next intC

The character clicked can then be picked with the TextMatrix property
Private Sub fg1_Click()
MsgBox fg1.TextMatrix(fg1.Row, fg1.Col)
End Sub

Note that most fonts are NOT redistributable - check your license agreement carefully before using them!

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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
Essex Steam UK for steam enthusiasts
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