I want to change the default system colours for one of my applications. However I don't want to change any of the button images (i.e. add a new 'skin' using something like WindowsBlinds or ActiveSkin).
I'm trying to ensure a unique colour scheme that works regardless of the user system setting. Can it be done?
(I'm just going to use shades of yellow or blue (instead of the windows default grey (that's gray to u yanks out there).
I have found that if you set the background or foreground colours to anything but the windows system a clash with some user somewheres settings is certain.
I'm trying to ensure a unique colour scheme that works regardless of the user system setting. Can it be done?
(I'm just going to use shades of yellow or blue (instead of the windows default grey (that's gray to u yanks out there).
I have found that if you set the background or foreground colours to anything but the windows system a clash with some user somewheres settings is certain.