One of the projects that I'm working on uses another person's visual c++ project as a base, from which I've worked off of and added a lot to.
But this other person was german, so I spent awhile changing all the labels, titlebars, etc to english. I couldn't figure out how to change it so that message boxes supplied by the MFC framework used english too... So I started another new project and just copied-and-pasted the parts of the resource file (*.rc) that referred to the language...
This worked, but now every time I add a control to the dialog box, it changes the resource file back to german!
Could really use some help! Thanks!
One of the projects that I'm working on uses another person's visual c++ project as a base, from which I've worked off of and added a lot to.
But this other person was german, so I spent awhile changing all the labels, titlebars, etc to english. I couldn't figure out how to change it so that message boxes supplied by the MFC framework used english too... So I started another new project and just copied-and-pasted the parts of the resource file (*.rc) that referred to the language...
This worked, but now every time I add a control to the dialog box, it changes the resource file back to german!
Could really use some help! Thanks!