I have a sheet called Main with about 50 text boxes that have a formula that links a value from another sheet (e.g. =References!A11)
I have some text boxes (buttons) that run a macro that populate the 50 text boxes with different values. (The buttons used are for Name, Location and Age) So if you click on Name, each of the 50 text boxes will have a different name in it.
What I am finding is if you select a button and then another button, some of old values from the previous selection remain in the text boxes as though it's not refreshing properly.
What I thought of doing is when the buttons are pressed to populate the text boxes, the references are populated also by the marco so kind of forcing the value to pull through.
I cannot seem to get the correct way of adding the reference in the text box to point to the cell and have tried different way but with no joy.
Are you able to shed some light please. I have tried 3 different ways to reference the cell but failed, see Code below.
Many Thanks in advance
Sub arraypops()
ActiveCell.Value = ref1
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=array1).Activate
refer = ActiveCell.Value
Do Until refer = ""
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=-array1).Activate
ActiveCell.Value = refer
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=array1).Activate
refer = ActiveCell.Value
Range("References!A3").Value = Sheets(Menu).TextBox17.Value
Sheets(Menu).TextBox17.value = Sheets("References").Range("A3").Value
Sheets(Menu).Shapes("TextBox17").Value = Sheets("References").Range("A3").Value
End Sub
I have a sheet called Main with about 50 text boxes that have a formula that links a value from another sheet (e.g. =References!A11)
I have some text boxes (buttons) that run a macro that populate the 50 text boxes with different values. (The buttons used are for Name, Location and Age) So if you click on Name, each of the 50 text boxes will have a different name in it.
What I am finding is if you select a button and then another button, some of old values from the previous selection remain in the text boxes as though it's not refreshing properly.
What I thought of doing is when the buttons are pressed to populate the text boxes, the references are populated also by the marco so kind of forcing the value to pull through.
I cannot seem to get the correct way of adding the reference in the text box to point to the cell and have tried different way but with no joy.
Are you able to shed some light please. I have tried 3 different ways to reference the cell but failed, see Code below.
Many Thanks in advance
Sub arraypops()
ActiveCell.Value = ref1
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=array1).Activate
refer = ActiveCell.Value
Do Until refer = ""
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=-array1).Activate
ActiveCell.Value = refer
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=array1).Activate
refer = ActiveCell.Value
Range("References!A3").Value = Sheets(Menu).TextBox17.Value
Sheets(Menu).TextBox17.value = Sheets("References").Range("A3").Value
Sheets(Menu).Shapes("TextBox17").Value = Sheets("References").Range("A3").Value
End Sub