Environment -
Main Logon Server - Linux Redhat 7.2
Web Server - Apache 1.3.22
Server Script - PHP 4.1.1
Database - Sybase ASE
File Server - NT File Server
NT File Server and Linux are on the same workgroup.
I am mounting the NTFS file system of WindowsNT using samba and the same is accessible/Seen from Linux
From the Web Interface i need to change the ownership of files which are located in the NTFS Files system of WindowsNT Server ( The NTFS File system is mounted on Linux)
I see that as Root is the owner of the mounted filesystem i am not able to change the permission of the files on NT as other user
But my Project requirement is that i need to do this with a User
Is there any solution for the same
Please advise
Thanks and Regards
Environment -
Main Logon Server - Linux Redhat 7.2
Web Server - Apache 1.3.22
Server Script - PHP 4.1.1
Database - Sybase ASE
File Server - NT File Server
NT File Server and Linux are on the same workgroup.
I am mounting the NTFS file system of WindowsNT using samba and the same is accessible/Seen from Linux
From the Web Interface i need to change the ownership of files which are located in the NTFS Files system of WindowsNT Server ( The NTFS File system is mounted on Linux)
I see that as Root is the owner of the mounted filesystem i am not able to change the permission of the files on NT as other user
But my Project requirement is that i need to do this with a User
Is there any solution for the same
Please advise
Thanks and Regards