I hav used the following code for changing text to bold in an rtb editor. When i select text with multiple fonts it is not working. What maybe the problem?
Dim doc As frmDocument = Me.ActiveMdiChild
On Error Resume Next
If doc.Text1.Focused Then
If doc.Text1.SelectionLength > 0 Then
doc.Text1.SelectionFont = New System.Drawing.Font(doc.Text1.SelectionFont, doc.Text1.SelectionFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Italic)
End If
End IF
Dim doc As frmDocument = Me.ActiveMdiChild
On Error Resume Next
If doc.Text1.Focused Then
If doc.Text1.SelectionLength > 0 Then
doc.Text1.SelectionFont = New System.Drawing.Font(doc.Text1.SelectionFont, doc.Text1.SelectionFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Italic)
End If
End IF