I've done a macro which changes the due date of an AR invoice in table ARIBH and AROBL.
The due date shows correct under customer inquiry and on the A/R aging report.
However the ageing it calculates on the A/R ageing report is wrong.
My invoice is shown in the wrong ageing column.
Does anyone know on what basis the aging is calculated and what I have to change to make my invoice show up in the right column?
I've done a macro which changes the due date of an AR invoice in table ARIBH and AROBL.
The due date shows correct under customer inquiry and on the A/R aging report.
However the ageing it calculates on the A/R ageing report is wrong.
My invoice is shown in the wrong ageing column.
Does anyone know on what basis the aging is calculated and what I have to change to make my invoice show up in the right column?