I have this horrible application that requires input of hundreds of lines, that is normally done manually.
What I have is an excell worksheet (easy to e-mail) generated from an access db that needs to be input to the "horrible application".
What I want to do is pull the crap from the worksheet and put it into the "horrible application."
My thoughts are that I can change the worksheet into a CSV file, then run through it using a loop and input the information into my "horrible application" via an access module.
I know how to use shell to change focus via opening a new application. But what i want to do is change the focus to the "horrible application" that is already open and then just use sendkeys to send across the information.
If anyone else has a better suggestion I'm open to it.. I think I could do the whole thing using just shell if I knew how to open a shortcut.
Thankyou for the help! Cruz'n and Booz'n always.
This post shows what little I do at work.
What I have is an excell worksheet (easy to e-mail) generated from an access db that needs to be input to the "horrible application".
What I want to do is pull the crap from the worksheet and put it into the "horrible application."
My thoughts are that I can change the worksheet into a CSV file, then run through it using a loop and input the information into my "horrible application" via an access module.
I know how to use shell to change focus via opening a new application. But what i want to do is change the focus to the "horrible application" that is already open and then just use sendkeys to send across the information.
If anyone else has a better suggestion I'm open to it.. I think I could do the whole thing using just shell if I knew how to open a shortcut.
Thankyou for the help! Cruz'n and Booz'n always.
This post shows what little I do at work.