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Changing email passwords using CGI

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Feb 5, 2002
I am currently attempting to rewrite some CGI scripts which handle some of our email services such as changing passwords and setting forwards on a HP-UX system. I want to write them in Perl but I am unsure how to make it work. I want to (1) Authenticate users when they set a forward or change a password and (2) Change their password if necessary. I know it is possible, I just a nudge in the right direction.


Here is a script the will help you



# manage.pl
# A program designed to allow teachers on a campus to handle adding
# and changing students to the system.
# At my school, all students have an ID number that happens to start
# with 135 - you'll need to come up with some unique identifier as well
# if you want to limit the person running this script to only modifying
# those users.
# Assumptions:
# All students are entered into a single group (this is not
# the default for RedHat, not sure about other distros).
# Changelog:
# Version 0.2
# -----------
# November 6, 2000 - Added rudimentary locking to prevent overlapping
# users - could be a bad thing :(
# Version 0.1
# -----------
# February 21, 2000 - First version
# License: GPL - Don't blame me if it breaks your system! :)
# Chris Hobbs <chobbs@silvervalley.k12.ca.us>

use Expect;
$| =1;

# Set up some useful tokens

$TRUE = (1 == 1);
$FALSE = (0 == 1);

# User definable variables

$student_group = &quot;502&quot;; # Group all students belong to
$samba = $TRUE; # Using samba?
$nis = $TRUE; # Using NIS?
$quota = $TRUE; # Using quotas?
$quota_prototype = 'ttest'; # Username to duplicate for edquota
$lockfile = '/tmp/manage.lock'; # Lockfile to prevent multiple users
$touch = '/bin/touch'; # Location of touch commmand

# That's all for user definable variables...

$check_locked = $FALSE;

main ();

sub main {

# Check for exisitence of lockfile - if it exists, exit, otherwise
# touch the lockfile and move on - we'll delete it later.

# *** It would be very easy for a user to block access
# *** to the program by creating their own $lockfile. That's
# *** why I've got this chmod'ed to prevent reading :)
# *** Security Through Obscurity at it's best!

unless ($check_locked) {
-e $lockfile?
die (&quot;$lockfile exists: try again in a few minutes.\n&quot;) :
`$touch $lockfile`;
$check_locked = $TRUE;
print &quot;\n&quot;;
$good_entry = ($FALSE);
until ($good_entry) {
print &quot;Please enter student ID number (0 to quit): &quot;;
$student_id = <STDIN>;
chomp $student_id;
if ($student_id =~ /^0$/) {
unlink $lockfile;
exit 0;
$good_entry = ($student_id =~ /^135\d{4}$/);
if (getpwnam $student_id) {
} else {

sub edit_student {
$student_id = $_[0];
(undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $name, undef) = getpwnam $student_id;
print &quot;Modify $name? (y/n): &quot;;
$answer = <STDIN>;
chomp $answer;
main () unless ($answer eq &quot;y&quot;);

open SHADOW, &quot;/etc/shadow&quot;;
@shadow = <SHADOW>;
close SHADOW;

@lines = grep /^$student_id/, @shadow;
if (@lines > 1) {
print &quot;\n Uh-oh! There's a major problem. There are multiple\n&quot;;
print &quot; entries for $name in /etc/shadow. Exiting!\n\n&quot;;
unlink $lockfile;
exit (1);
(undef, $passwd, undef) = split (/:/, $lines[0]);

if ((substr $passwd, 0, 1) eq &quot;*&quot;) {
$enabled = $FALSE;
print &quot;\n 1) Enable this account.\n&quot;;
} else {
$enabled = $TRUE;
print &quot;\n 1) Disable this account.\n&quot;;
print &quot; 2) Change password.\n&quot;;
print &quot;\nEnter Choice (1/2): &quot;;
$choice = <STDIN>;
chomp $choice;
if ($choice eq &quot;1&quot;) {
toggle_active ($enabled, $student_id);
} elsif ($choice eq &quot;2&quot;) {
change_passwd ($student_id);
} else {
print &quot;\nSorry, your choice confused me! Exiting...\n\n&quot;;
unlink $lockfile;
exit (1);

sub toggle_active {
$enabled = $_[0];
$student_id = $_[1];
open SHADOW, &quot;/etc/shadow&quot;;
@shadow = <SHADOW>;
close SHADOW;

foreach $line (@shadow) {
unless ($line =~ /^$student_id/) {next};
($name, $passwd, $therest) = split (/:/, $line, 3);

if ($enabled) {
$passwd = &quot;*&quot; . $passwd;
print `/usr/bin/smbpasswd -d $student_id\n`;
print &quot;\n\n Student $student_id has been disabled.\n\n&quot;;
} else {
$passwd = substr $passwd, 1;
print `/usr/bin/smbpasswd -e $student_id\n`;
print &quot;\n\n Student $student_id has been enabled.\n\n&quot;;
$line = &quot;${name}:${passwd}:$therest&quot;;


open SHADOW, &quot;>/etc/shadow&quot;;
print SHADOW @shadow;
close SHADOW;

if ($nis) { nis_remake () };

unlink $lockfile;
exit (0);

sub change_passwd {
$student_id = $_[0];
$newpass = gen_passwd ();

# Change Linux passwd...

$command = Expect->spawn(&quot;/usr/bin/passwd $student_id&quot;) or die &quot;Couldn't start program: $!\n&quot;;
unless ($command->expect(5, &quot;password:&quot;)) {};
print $command &quot;$newpass\r&quot;;
unless ($command->expect(5, &quot;password:&quot;)) {};
print $command &quot;$newpass\r&quot;;

# Call Samba passwd if neccessary...

if ($samba) { change_samba ($student_id, $newpass) }

# Call nis_remake to update the maps...

if ($nis) { nis_remake() }

# OK, we're done...

print &quot;\n\n Complete: password changed for $student_id: $newpass\n\n&quot;;
unlink $lockfile;
exit (0);


sub change_samba {

$student_id = $_[0];
$newpass = $_[1];
open TEMP, &quot;>/root/temppass&quot;;
print TEMP &quot;$newpass\n$newpass&quot;;
close TEMP;
print `/usr/bin/smbpasswd -s $student_id < /root/temppass`;
unlink &quot;/root/temppass&quot;;

sub nis_remake {
$curdir = `pwd`;
chdir &quot;/var/yp&quot;;
`/usr/bin/make all\n`;
`cp /var/yp/*.* /var/yp/svhs/`;
chdir $curdir;

# This routine creates random passwords based on concatenating two short
# words with a symbol inbetween (DOG#puck or girl%PEN for example). Not as
# secure as truly random passwords, but much easier for a student to remember.
# @badwords is an array of words that I'm not using from he built-in dictionary,
# mainly to avoid getting sued by an irate parent!

sub gen_passwd {
@badwords = qw/put own list of bad words here/;

for (@badwords) {$is_badword{$_} = 1}

open DICT, &quot;/usr/dict/linux.words&quot;;
foreach (<DICT>) {
if ((length($_) == 3) && ($is_badword{lc($_)} != 1)) {push @three, $_}
if ((length($_) == 4) && ($is_badword{lc($_)} != 1)) {push @four, $_}
close DICT;

@nums = qw/! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ + = \\ \/ : ; ' &quot; [ ] { }/;
$threeleft = int (rand() + 0.5);
$upperleft = int (rand() + 0.5);

if ($threeleft) {
if ($upperleft) {
$pass = uc ($three[rand(@three)]);
$pass .= $nums[rand(@nums)];
$pass .= lc ($four[rand(@four)]);
} else {
$pass = lc ($three[rand(@three)]);
$pass .= $nums[rand(@nums)];
$pass .= uc ($four[rand(@four)]);
} else {
if ($upperleft) {
$pass = uc ($four[rand(@four)]);
$pass .= $nums[rand(@nums)];
$pass .= lc ($three[rand(@three)]);
} else {
$pass = lc ($four[rand(@four)]);
$pass .= $nums[rand(@nums)];
$pass .= uc ($three[rand(@three)]);

return $pass;

sub add_student {
$student_id = $_[0];
$newpass = gen_passwd ();

print &quot; Enter Name of Student ($student_id): &quot;;
$desc = <STDIN>;
chomp $desc;

# Need to find the largest uid so we can go one above it...

open PASSWD, &quot;/etc/passwd&quot;;
@passwd = <PASSWD>;
close PASSWD;

$max_id = 0;

foreach (@passwd) {
(undef, undef, $uid, undef) = split (/:/);
if ($uid > $max_id) {
$max_id = $uid;

$num_id = $max_id + 1;

# Write the info to a temp file for newusers to input...

open TEMP_ONE, &quot;>temp_one&quot; || die &quot;Unable to open first output file: $!\n&quot;;

print TEMP_ONE &quot;${student_id}:${newpass}:${num_id}:student:${desc}:/home/${student_id}:/bin/bash\n&quot;;
close TEMP_ONE;

print `/usr/sbin/newusers temp_one\n`;
print `/usr/bin/chage -m 0 -M 99999 $student_id\n`;

unlink &quot;temp_one&quot;;

# Add to Samba if neccessary...

if ($samba) {
print `/usr/bin/smbpasswd -a -n $student_id\n`;
change_samba ($student_id, $newpass);

# Set user quota if neccessary

if ($quota) {
print `/usr/sbin/edquota -p $quota_prototype $student_id\n`;

# Enable account... (why is it it disabled????)

open PASSWD, &quot;/etc/passwd&quot;;
@passwd = <PASSWD>;
close PASSWD;

foreach (@passwd) {
if (/^${student_id}:!:/) {
$_ =~ s/^${student_id}:!:/${student_id}:x:/;

open PASSWD, &quot;>/etc/passwd&quot;;
print PASSWD @passwd;
close PASSWD;

# Remake NIS maps if neccessary...

if ($nis) { nis_remake() }

# Tell the user what we've done...

print &quot;\n\n New user $student_id ($desc) created. Password: $newpass\n\n&quot;;
unlink $lockfile;
exit (0);
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