This is a MICS 4.0.
Customer has moved two exts. to an off site location ext 230 and 277. I have removed the sets and am trying to delete the DNs 230 and 277 so that I can assign them as a DEST code. Usually I just change the DNs to another DN number and then the old DNs are free to assign to a DEST code.
It keeps reassigning itself when I check under MAINT. Anyway to get rid of it?
"A phone is a phone and not a computer workstation".
Customer has moved two exts. to an off site location ext 230 and 277. I have removed the sets and am trying to delete the DNs 230 and 277 so that I can assign them as a DEST code. Usually I just change the DNs to another DN number and then the old DNs are free to assign to a DEST code.
It keeps reassigning itself when I check under MAINT. Anyway to get rid of it?
"A phone is a phone and not a computer workstation".