ProcommPlus/Aspect questions regarding colors in the ProcommPlus Terminal screen....
1. Can you provide the "index criteria" for the command "terminal colors index|string" ??
- I could not find the index that I would think map out to several color combinations for the terminal screen
in the Aspect help pages or manual ?
2. Can I change individual terminal screen lines or character locations on the terminal screen ?
- I was hoping to at least be able to say capture incoming data on one line, and force a LF + CR to get a new line,then compare it to know output data, and mirror the data back to the terminal display and add some pass/fail & time stamp info to the next line from my program, and then turn the line in appropriate colors like green for pass, etc.
Best Regards, Bill
1. Can you provide the "index criteria" for the command "terminal colors index|string" ??
- I could not find the index that I would think map out to several color combinations for the terminal screen
in the Aspect help pages or manual ?
2. Can I change individual terminal screen lines or character locations on the terminal screen ?
- I was hoping to at least be able to say capture incoming data on one line, and force a LF + CR to get a new line,then compare it to know output data, and mirror the data back to the terminal display and add some pass/fail & time stamp info to the next line from my program, and then turn the line in appropriate colors like green for pass, etc.
Best Regards, Bill