I have a user who suddenly left the company. Their Notes contains several vital pieces of information. Is there a way to change the ACL to allow another user to be able to access that database.
create an agent that'll run on the server (signed with the server's id) that'll add you/admin group to the acl with manager access
localdomainservers / the server should have sufficient access to change the acl
see code below which is R4 compatible for R5 you get extra properties in the aclentry class that will allow you to set usertype and things like administration server. check designer help database for mor info on these classes
sub initialize
dim sn as new notessession
dim db as notesdatabase
dim acl as notesacl
dim aclentry as notesaclentry
set db = sn.getdatabase(sn.currentdatabase.server, "mail/luser.nsf", false)
if db.currentaccesslevel < 6 then exit sub ' not enough access to make changes
set acl = db.acl
set aclentry = acl.getentry("Administrators"
if not aclentry is nothing then '--- we have an existing entry
aclentry.level = 6 ' -- manager access
call acl.save
else '--- entry doesn't exist create it
set aclentry = acl.createaclentry("Administrators"
aclentry.level = 6
call acl.save
end if
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