I have a Work Order report with fields for the customer's home phone, work phone, and work phone extension. Frequently, we don't receive the customer's work phone. When that happens, my report shows the Work Phone label and an empty space beside it which is okay. But beyond that empty space (where the work phone would appear if we had one) is the Ext label.
I don't want the Ext label (which is named Label65) to be visible if there is no work phone but I can't figure it out.
I've tried:
IIF(IsNull([WorkPhone]),[Label65]= "",[Label65])
I've tried:
If [WorkPhone] = "" Then
[Label65].Visible = False
End If
I've tried:
If len([WorkPhone]) = 0 Then
[Label65].Visible = False
End If
Depending upon which "solution" I try, I either get error 2427 "you entered an expression that has no value" or I get no error message but the label appears on the report.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Both the WorkPhone and Ext fields are set as text fields.
I don't want the Ext label (which is named Label65) to be visible if there is no work phone but I can't figure it out.
I've tried:
IIF(IsNull([WorkPhone]),[Label65]= "",[Label65])
I've tried:
If [WorkPhone] = "" Then
[Label65].Visible = False
End If
I've tried:
If len([WorkPhone]) = 0 Then
[Label65].Visible = False
End If
Depending upon which "solution" I try, I either get error 2427 "you entered an expression that has no value" or I get no error message but the label appears on the report.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Both the WorkPhone and Ext fields are set as text fields.