I've got this script I'd like to use on a web page using ASP. My problem is getting the loop to work for the input part of the script.Can anyone point me in the right direction?
dim varA
dim varB
dim varC
dim varT
dim tottax
dim Array(1000)
dim Tarray(1000)
dim TotalCarray(1000)
dim TotalQarray(1000)
do' user input loop
varA = Inputbox ("input Item") 'Gets user input for items
varB =CInt (Inputbox ("input quantity")) 'Gets user input for quantity
varC = CInt (Inputbox ("input Cost")) 'Gets user input for Cost
varT = CInt (Inputbox ("input current taxrate ")) ' Gets user input for taxrate
tottax=varT * (varB * varC)/100
Tarray(num) = tottax
TotalCArray(num) = varC
TotalQArray(num) = varb
Array(num) ="You've odered "& Varb & " " & varA & "s at " & varC & "$ per " & varA & " the tax rate is " & varT &" %"
num = num+1
continue = Msgbox("Do you really want to continue",4)
loop while continue = 6 'loop while continue equals yes
x = 0
for j = 0 to num-1'display loop
WScript.Echo Array(i)
WScript.Echo "The tax is "&Tarray(i)
x= Tarray(i) + x
y= TotalCArray(i) + y
z= TotalQArray(i) + z
i = i + 1
wscript.echo x & " is total tax"&"$" 'final display
wscript.echo (y * z) + x & " is the total cost"&"$"