I have some reports that now access the same database but on a different server, using a different login.
how can I change the info. from an old report to now connect to the new datbaasE ?
Have you tried setting the location? i.e, Via the toolbar, sellect 'Database', then 'Set Location'. You will see a dialog box listing the tables in use, but more importantly (for you), at the base of the dialog you will see 'Server Name:xxxxxxx'. To change, select the 'Set Location' button which will details the Servers available. If you can't see it, then you'll need to connect to it.
Hope that helps
p.s It's a bit too much to go into here (if you need more help than given), but email me on 'richard.spratt@commensus.com' and I'll be a little more thorough for you
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