I can type text into a textbox, and display that text on
the page I do a server.transfer to. However, if I
programtically change the textbox.text before the
server.transfer stmt (within button click event) the destination page displays the text that was typed, ignoring the change I made to the text in code). Any ideas how to get the change to "take"?
the page I do a server.transfer to. However, if I
programtically change the textbox.text before the
server.transfer stmt (within button click event) the destination page displays the text that was typed, ignoring the change I made to the text in code). Any ideas how to get the change to "take"?
tbxInfo.Text = "force text to something else";
//Comment: BOTH pages have EnableViewStateMac="false"
Server.Transfer("DestPage.aspx", true);